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For this dispute, we will provide you with a coupon of USD 3 as compensation for the rest payment of the order and it can be used within 60 days.
Coupon can be used on orders with value no less than that of the coupon, and you will get it within 5 working days. If the amount of coupon is greater than $100, it will be divided into $100 and the rest amount. For example, if the amount of the compensated coupon is $255, the coupon would be divided into 4 pieces, which means you will receive 2 coupons of $100, 1 coupon of $50 and 1 coupon of $5. For how to use the coupon, please refer to: http://activities.aliexpress.com/adcms/help-aliexpress-com/how_to_use_your_coupons.php
Please note that once you make an order with the coupon and ask for a partial refund, we won’t be able to refund the coupon to you. We do count on your kind understanding.
Moc si s angličtinou netykám, tak bych nerada postupovala špatně….díky