moja chyba pri ukonceni sporu

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  • #7515

    prosim vas potrebujem radu nechtiac som ukoncil spor pri ktorom sme boli dohodnuty ze mi vrati peniaze nakolko mi neprisiel tovar. akceptoval som jeho ponuku ale nevsimol som si ze refundacia je 0 eur da sa to este nejako vratit?predajca mi napisal comu nerozumiem. Je moznost este pri spore by malo byt tlacitko appeal ktore tam nemam. dakujem pekne za radu. toto mi napisal:Do you have a Paypal Account?
    Please initiate a payment request to me and leave your order number to us on PayPal.
    My PayPal number is: [email protected]
    Only this way you could get your money, Sending money from China to other countries is not allowed in Paypal. Thanks for your patience and cooperation.

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