Dobrý den, prosím o radu. Otevřel jsem svůj první spor kvůli nedodání produktu během 60 dnů. Po vypršení ochranné lhůty jsem ihned otevřel spor kde jsem zadal , že zboží nebylo dodáno. Automaticky to skočilo k řešení Aliexpresu. Mailem mi přišlo toto vyjádření:
According to the shipping information, the package has been shipped out by the seller and it is in transit currently. Since your package is still in protection time, please be patience waiting for the package. Any new update of your package, we will keep you updated timely or you can simply track it by go to “My orders”-“All Orders” and click “Track order”.
Complaints from buyer Judgement from AE Invalid Reason
Purchase Protection is running out, but package is still in transit Invalid After checking the tracking information, this order is still within purchase protection time, please be patience waiting for the international package.
Package Information
AliExpress Shipping RB434180982SG In Transit
Option 1: Please continue to wait for 1 days
Response time: 1 days
According to the shipping information, the package has been shipped out by the seller and it is in transit. Please wait in patience and confirm with us whether you have received the goods when purchase protection ends.
U sporu mám aktuálně status Dispute Escalated – Waiting for response. Problém je, že aktuálně se mi tam nenabízí žádná možnost Add a New Proposal’, ‘Accept’ (to accept the seller or AliExpress’ proposal) a nevím jak se k řešení vyjádřit.
Je něco špatně?