order has been frozen due to suspicious seller

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  • #258
    Lenka Sucha

    Nevite co to prosim znamena?

    [b]Your order has been frozen due to suspicious seller activity … [/b]

    Your order is currently frozen, due to the sellers suspicious trading activities.
    We have suspended this seller’s account because we have detected unsafe trading activities. We have therefore requested the seller to provide sufficient evidence, such as shipping documents and certificates which they must provide within 3 business days (not calendar days).

    If the seller fails to provide any evidence within 3 business days, we will issue you with a full refund. In the event the seller does provide evidence, it could take about 15 business days for the case to be resolved.

    We apologize for this inconvenience. At AliExpress, we are committed and always taking steps in improving our customers shopping experience and to the protection of both the buyer’s and seller’s interests.

    Your understanding and cooperation are highly appreciated.

    AliExpress Trade Security Department


    Objednávka byla zmražena. To znamená, že Aliexpress zaznamenal u tohoto prodejce nějakou špatnou obchodní aktivitu – neposílá zboží, posílá ve špatné kvalitě apod. Teď Ali požaduje po prodejci doklady, že má vše v pořádku, musí to doložit do 3 dnů. Pokud nedoloží, tak Ali objednávku ukončí a Vám se vrátí automaticky peníze zpátky na kartu. Nemusíte se o nic starat, nikam psát, nic. Pokud prodejce doloží, že má vše v pořádku, Ali objednávku rozmrazí a Vám by zboží mělo v pořádku dojít.

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